Part of the reason FinTech has the ability to streamline traditionally clunky processes is because it’s based in ones and zeros versus human skills and opinions. While many FinTech platforms include elements of both traditional brokers/advisors and algorithms, others help users navigate financially complex tasks without interacting with a real, live human at all. There also are plenty of FinTechs mobilizing to help customers stay afloat amid the financial turmoil caused by the pandemic. Since the internet revolution and the mobile internet/smartphone revolution, however, FinTech has grown explosively. Today, it is officially a major player in the global economy, business landscape and fabric of modern society at large. The combination of streamlined offerings with technology enables FinTech companies to be more efficient and cut down on costs associated with each transaction. In this edition of Technology Innovators, we bring to you the Top 25 FinTech CEOs of 2022.