Legal tech not only does help the legal professionals themselves, but also helps the customers and users of the legal services to receive optimum results. The objective is to facilitate the legal field generating greater comfort while minimizing waiting and transfer times. It accelerates every aspect of the legal domain, from corporate practice to courtroom proceedings and document management. In fact, technology has made information accessible; therefore, the only thing left now is to make the best use of the available resources and get rid of the traditional approach. However, it’s worth noting that digital transformation in the legal sector is not just about blindly adopting every legal tech tool available in the market and also not about introducing legal tech just for the sake of doing it. It’s about creating an innovation-powered legal culture and improving internal processes by utilizing a combination of tools that are already in use and several new technologies to their fullest potential. Keeping in mind the same objective, we present to you the Top 20 LegalTech CEOs of 2021 of the modern world who are technology experts in the legal field with experience in enabling law firms to operate, compete, and succeed in today’s competitive market. We hope this information will help arm yourselves with better information, data and technological tools in order to capitalize on your value and form better partnerships with their clients and stakeholders.