Management: John Lefkowits, CEO
Founded Year: 2020
Headquarters: Brooklyn, New York
Description: Advanced Entry is committed to offering the latest software with our first of its kind, fully contactless sign-in kiosk.
Advanced Entry: Re-creating technology for healthcare
John Lefkowits is a serial entrepreneur and a passionate professional. He is the CEO of Advanced Entry, a contactless sign-in kiosk for visitors, staff management that includes an automatic ‘Temperature-reader’ with ‘Face recognition’, as well as a customizable CDC questionnaire, badge printing, marketing tools and much more. In an interview he speaks on an array of topics. Excerpts:
Conception of Advanced Entry
“I saw that the typical sign-in method in most facilities was some form of sign-in book. That’s a method that has not been updated in decades. There was so much potential for the system to be organized and efficient with updated technology” observes John. Covid-19 also shaped a real need for contact-free everything, especially among the more vulnerable populations- such as the immunocompromised and the elderly, he adds.
Healthcare – Challenges Galore
Observes this professional that the huge threat of the pandemic at its height has receded, but as a society we have become much more conscious in contamination and there’s still a big demand for more sanitary solutions to everyday problems. “Look at public restrooms- you can wash your hands and use soap without ever touching something that was touched by someone else. Who wants to go back to a publicly used manual soap dispenser?”
Advanced Entry’s Security System
The Advanced Entry system uses a contactless sign-in kiosk to monitor the visitors and employee personnel entering or leaving the facility. We use facial recognition technology, temperature sensors, and a health questionnaire to determine if the visitor can be allowed access. If access is allowed, our kiosks print a custom single-use access badge for the visitor.
Leadership Traits
“My team has expressed that they feel I’m interested in listening to other ideas and that I try to understand different viewpoints. That’s a skill that I think is crucial both on the business end and the management end. I also try to dig in and understand what healthcare facilities really need so we can provide that.”
A social person, John says that he likes to be amongst people. “I suppose that’s the ‘team builder’ piece of the puzzle, but so much of the business just comes back to that. You can be a great visionary and brilliant ideas, but if you don’t work well with people, hire someone who does.” Noting that failure is inevitable, he adds that every leader should view failure as a necessary stepping stone on the path to success.
The success mantra
Every business care about revenue, of course, but keeping health standards above business concerns is so important. If something can be done in a cheaper but less-than-ideal manner, but you know it’s shortchanging your clients, it’s not worth it – not ethically, and not for your business.
“Healthcare is a rewarding field because you can build a business while really helping people and solving problems. I learned early on that devoting my time to just selling to make money would never be fulfilling. When I’m able to keep my eye on both business strategy and helping my clients, everything just works.”