Management: Howard S. Fried President & Founder
Founded Year: 2016
Headquarters: Lake Success, New York
Description: DigitalOptometrics is an optometric telemedicine company focused on performing comprehensive remote eye examinations.
Tele-Optometry – A Mission for Vision.
“In my experience leaders do not fear failure. They only fear the length of time it will take to succeed,” says Howard Fried, President of DigitalOptometrics. DigitalOptometrics is a telemedicinefocused health tech company known for its optical software system called Tele-Optometry. It allows patients at even remote locations to get a complete eye examination by skilled optometrists through a live video conference. Dr. Fried, a thought leader, is an expert in Optometry with more than twenty years of experience. One of the milestones in his career is responding to the requirements of optical exam providers in remote areas, especially for the underserved and senior citizens. Driven by his passion to solve this problem, his determination, and his tech-savvy team, he successfully launched Tele-Optometry in just two years. And now, having performed over 100,000 exams, they have an average Net Promoter Score of 88, indicating overwhelming patient approval of the technology and eye exam process.
Tele-Optometry, The Game-Changer!
Tele-Optometry is a digital replication of a physical eye exam performed by an Optometrist. It allows Optometrists to provide their services to patients located anywhere, anytime. Patient eye data is gathered from ten health and vision analysis tests, and includes a subjective eye refraction test. Tests are done using HD video conferencing and remotely operated optical equipment. All of the patient data is then analyzed by a licensed Optometrist. AI and analytics enhance the performance and subjective findings of the Optometrist. The software also permits the Optometrist to answer patient questions through video conferencing. Upon the conclusion of the exam, the patient will be issued a new corrective prescription for glasses or contact lenses. In some cases, they may be referred to a specialist. The whole process is done within 30 minutes without discomfort with a wonderful experience and reduced costs.
Market Challenges
“One of the telemedicine market challenges was to have optical market decision-makers focus on new telemedicine disruptive technology while concentrating on normal business activities,” says Dr. Fried. Due to the many business shutdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more business owners are shifting their focus towards the benefits of technology and incorporating it into their business. Since there is no national licensing program for Optometrists, it continues to be a major challenge for remote optometry to further lower costs. Lower costs would mean that more patients will have access to remote optometry. While some states have eased multi-licensing restrictions for Optometrists during the pandemic, the benefits of a telemedicine system have not been communicated effectively. Most people are not aware of the facts and benefits of TeleMedicine. Each state has its own statutes and regulations, and restricts the performance of remote optical exams on a national basis. Dr. Fried believes that implementing standardized rules for the whole country would help more people benefit from TeleMedicine.
Leading by Example
“Manage your business with honesty and integrity. Lead by example, and surround yourself with the best in their field of expertise,” says Dr. Fried. He believes there is no need to fear failure, and worrying about the length of time it takes to achieve success should be avoided. “Strategize, plan, and execute without hesitation while anticipating capital needs and resources,” is his advice for upcoming entrepreneurs. Dr. Fried and his team continue to perfect Tele-Optometry. They have already had successful results in Sweden, and they look forward to exploring its global potential in the near future.