MENA’s Largest B2B HealthCare Marketplace.
High quality care is as equally important as a connected healthcare system. Integration fosters collaboration and communication as well as supports clinical and business decision processes. Identifying such a need in the healthcare market, Yahya Aqel and his team launched Aumet to bring the ultimate connection between distributors, and healthcare providers on a single platform, allowing each one of them to increase their sales by providing the right data information to make decisions. “We are The order management system between pharmacies and drug stores, through a network of pharmacies using mobile applications, contributes to increasing communication between the warehouse and the pharmacies, which is reflected in the marketing of products and communication.” he says.
As a biomedical engineer, with over 15 years of healthcare tech experience, Yahya strongly believes that technology can radically improve decision making and performance in the healthcare industry. For this reason, Aumet’s B2B platform helps manufacturers, distributors, and healthcare providers promote themselves globally, acquire the best products and services on the market, and access essential information for critical business decisions through technology.
Trusted by over 80,000 users, Aumet, today, is the largest B2B healthcare marketplace in the MENA. At Aumet, we have more than 3000 active pharmacies, more than 600 thousand orders annually, and 60 million GMV going between them. We are going to expand even more globally by opening more offices all around the world.
After being asked about future plans, Yahya conducts “Aumet has so much more to come, we’re going large, and worldwide, our values and principles align with all of the medical field cycles, from the manufacturers to the point of sale to the users, with less cost and faster process and delivery. One of our goals is to give easier access to people by decreasing both; the cost of the medical products and the medicine delivery time, which helps the HealthCare sector. We are digitalizing the order systems, payments and directly connecting pharmacies with suppliers.”
Company: Aumet
Management: Yahya Aqel, CEO
Founded Year: 2016
Headquarters: Mountain View, California
Description: The Largest B2B Online Platform that Sells Medical Products Online and Supports Healthcare Companies.