The Holy Grail of Sustainable Healthcare
“One of the major responsibilities that come from being the CEO of your own company is working harder and pushing further than the rest of the team,” says Henry Etukumoh, Founder of Medics2You. Medics2You is a platform that provides efficient Telehealth and infrastructure service to clients. Patients can log in and look for specialists and book an appointment within ten minutes. Using the Medics2You app, patients can contact a UK doctor from home, work, or even when on the move. Motivated by persistence and hard work, Henry along with the unwavering support of Medics2You’s Chief Technology Officer John Kumuyi and Dr. John Afolayan, the Chief Medical Officer has made Medics2You stand out in the top 200 amongst 5000+ companies at the inaugural Forbes Accelerator Program. “I am surrounded by a team who far exceed me in many areas however it is important that I remain a constant source of motivation,” he says.
The Medics2You Platform
The Medics2You platform offers access to over 18,000+ UK doctors, specialists and healthcare professionals, including mental health specialists. Medics2You transcends the inconvenience of accessing quality care. There are no more long queues, waiting for hours in the clinic/hospital, and no more endless phone calls. Within 10 minutes of booking an appointment, patients can have a face-to-face video or audio consultation with experienced doctors based on their convenience. Each patient has an Electronic Patient Record (EPR) that is updated for continuity of care and fitness notes can be issued if requested after a consultation. If a prescription is required, Medics2You can deliver the medicine directly to homes or arrange pickups from the local pharmacy, all within 48hrs. “We realized that it was important for us to interact with the world to not only be a software service but a personal service,” says Henry.
The Saturated Market
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the market being flooded with telemedicine platforms. While this is good from an economic standpoint, it is questionable whether patients are receiving world-class healthcare through these platforms. “It’s important that we don’t label telemedicine as the cure for Africa’s struggling health sector,” says Henry. Medic2You aims to venture beyond such platforms. It has incorporated AI, analytics, machine learning, the Internet of Things, and more. The “Holy Grail” of future sustainable healthcare is an ecosystem that seamlessly brings together both specialist health services and solutions for preventative healthcare and personal health management. By harnessing the power of smart technology Medics2You aims to build such an ecosystem through quality patient-centered health care. Grassroots driven reforms and infrastructure are crucial for patients to receive the consistent world-class healthcare they deserve.
Translating Vision to Reality
The fear of failure is always present in every entrepreneur, having faith can help overcome this fear. “It’s faith that has gotten me here thus far,” says Henry. For start-ups and upcoming entrepreneurs, Henry’s advice is to be passionate about what you choose to do, be consistent, and have faith. His participation in the Forbes Accelerator Program allowed him to step out of his comfort zone and appreciate the hard work he put in at Medics2You. Discipline and routine are vital for Henry to run his successful company. While working from home has allowed more quality family time, Henry is persistent about innovating Medics2You further. He hopes to launch an enhanced platform by the end of the year.
Company: Medics2You
Management: Henry Etukumoh, Founder
Founded Year: 2018
Headquarters: London, England
Description: Medics2You is a fully integrated healthcare system, providing digital infrastructure and clinical resources that powers the consistent delivery of quality healthcare remotely.